Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Paying your Bills and Changing Your Life

Very interesting picture by Keerthi


Anonymous said...

Some interesting points. On the flipside, as a freelancer I love it when MY invoices are paid on time, and so in return I honour people who send bills to me. I do pay on time - but must admit to not liking bills very much (!) I'll try to adopt a more positive approach because you are right - the bills are for services that we need and could not get by without. Even if it doesn't bring cheques in the mail - it will have a knock on positive effect - your day will not be ruined by something that arrives in the post.

Sherer said...

Healing stones,

Pleasure as always. It always seems to change thing dramatically when we look at things from another point of view! Its really hard to not have a negative feeling when you get a bill, but its amazing how it won't ruin your day when you dont let it affect you.


Bob Johnson said...

Lol, hey throw some of that money my way, good illustration and great advice.

I am fortunate that I have enough cash flow that paying my bills isn't a problem, but there was a time when I couldn't and ate bread and peanut butter a lot.

Like you said the whole thing is to appreciate the services the lenders provide you and to think positively about them when writing their cheque, you get a lot less ulcers, like I used to have and eventually you will be able to use them to your advantage, the key is moderation, charge something, and then pay off before the compound intrest kills you, and it will.

Sherer said...


Thanks for the words. I have seen some people so burdened by this monthly bills - its a non-stop battle. Very sad to see and the whole only gets deeper. But it can be reversed!

Cheers - I look forward to the conjunction!



I love your videos and really feel like we are sitting down having a talk. You are a cutie Jesse and if I were single I would hope to find a guy like you. Great advice that I probably need to follow. I liked you throwing the money-very clever!

Sherer said...


Thank you for the compliment! LOL you made my day.

Throwing the money was my favorite part. Truth be known - I collected it afterward and deposited it in the bank.


Swubird said...


Great tips and well founded wisdom. I remember the days when my friends and I actually stole a package of spaghetti and a small can of tomato paste from the corner market. We had to eat, so it was either that, or stand on the corner and beg. Now, fortunately, I can eat and pay my bills without stealing or begging. Over the years, however, I've learned to keep my bills within my pay grade.

PS: I still love spaghetti.

Happy trails.

Caroline said...

Ok...this is eerie... I am literally sitting in front of my computer with a pile of bills to my left! I have been putting off paying them (mostly because I am lazy). The idea of being grateful for the service is mind blowing. Only because I never think of it that way...but it's so true! So, now I will pay my bills and be grateful for it!

Still...I can't believe the coincidence of this today. Love when the universe really throws it in my face!

Sherer said...


I have been lucky enough to never have to steal anything, but when it comes down to it living is a higher moral priority then taking a small can of food! Thanks for the comment.


Sherer said...


Thanks for the response that really made my day! I live for molments like that that seems to connect the impossible. Thanks for stopping by.


Caroline said...

After I wrote my last check and sealed the envelope...the sun came out and flooded my kitchen with light...sweat to God! We have been engulfed in fog for the past 4-5 days and now it's gone. I am not saying that my check writing did the trick...but the irony...

Also, my energy totally changed as I wrote...I really am grateful for all these services!!!

Thanks again for such a great post, can't wait for the next one!

Caroline said...

um...that would be swear to God, not sweat! LOL

Sherer said...


I am happy that you are not sweating to God - that would be odd although there may be some application i am unaware of.

Nothing like getting the last bill signed away on! Thanks for the encouraging notes.


Jientje said...

This is interesting, I like that way of thinking. And it is true, once you reach the stage where you can click that mental button, you're capable of so much more!
This works the same way if you're trying to loose weight or want to quit smoking too!

By the way, if you're ever coming to Belgium, just let me know! I could show you some pretty little corners of Antwerp!

Sherer said...


Thank you. Great to have a new friend from Belgium! I am planning a trip very soon, perhaps you could give me a tour. Thanks for your comment